Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow, Snow and More Snow

We got all excited about the snow melting. We could see the ground underneath the snow and birds singing. Then all of a sudden it came the snow came and it did not stop. We woke up in the morning to over 18 inches of snow. No work for me or Matt and the kids have no school. Plus the paper boy got stuck in the road in front of our house. Matt rescused him and he spent the morning at our house trying to stay warm. Snow plows were nowheres in sight. Got to love living in the country. Last snow we hope. Oh the kids will have so much fun. Just hope to not lose one, lol.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Parkers surgery

Hello all sorry it has been so long since I posted anything new. My baby, OK maybe not baby at 4 but still my baby had surgery on Monday. Parker has been a little bundle of issues since he was born. This newest thing however was to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He was suppose to have this surgery back last year at thanksgiving, but they found that he had a platelet disorder. They put his surgery on hold and did test. Finally they cleared him for surgery. They knew there was a chance for bleeding so they were prepared for that. So Monday finally came and we went in to Syracuse to the wonderful Galisano Children's Hospital. I was able to take him into the operating room and help him go to sleep. This helped him but did make mama cry. Seeing you little boy in this great big white room laying on the table with all these people with masks around him. They put the mask on his face and you hold his hand as he slowly closes his eyes. Then all of a sudden he starts to shake and you panic what is wrong. Only to be told that this is normal. He finally goes to sleep and they tell you good job and you leave your little boy there in their hands. Go to the waiting room to join everyone else who is waiting. I have to say it was the longest hour and half that I have had to deal with in a long time. Finally you see a familiar face and he is smiling so that is so good to see. Dr. M comes over to you and says he is in recovery and he is doing great. He did not loss to much blood and he did not have any issues. PRAISE THE LORD!!! He lost more than a normal person but not enough to need any transfusion. So Dr. M left and you sit back down and wait for the call to come back and see him. All of a sudden you here the phone ring and the most wonderful words "Parker's mom". Yay I can see him. I do back to the waiting room shaking and not sure how he is coming out of it. Poor little guy was not happy and was rolling around on his bed. I rush over to him to calm him down as they start to pump pain meds into his little body. After three doses of meds he finally starts to calm down. After a long wait we finally get the word that we can go up to the children's hospital and get to our room. We head up to the Children's hospital and get comfortable in our new home for the next day. All rooms are private with big screen TV, ps3, couch which turns into bed for parents and our own bathroom. What a lovely thing for us to have in such a unpleasant situation. They had a playroom and a family room. They had a restaurant and a area you could get books games and movies. Parker loved the giant fish tank which he could name a fish. His fishes name is spongebob. He tried to play but did not do much playing since he really did not feel good but it was nice to have the options. That night I stayed with him while daddy went home to take care of brother and sister. We did not sleep well since he was awake every half hour and the nurses and doctors coming in to check on him did not help the sleeping either. But we made it through the night. Next day he starts to drink so they say as soon as he gets a certain amount down we may leave. Finally around 11am we are able to go home. We put him in the wagon and wheel him to the car. Ya our stay is done and now his journey of healing is to continue. His biggest struggle is to drink. We are hoping he starts doing a better job or he will end up back at the hospital. Thank you everyone for all the prayers and for everyone who helped out making everything go together the way it did.